LoRaWAN/LPWAN technology

What is the secret behind LPWAN?


LoRaWAN/LPWAN technology

What is the secret behind LPWAN?

High range, but low transmission power, and a standard battery with long running time. Too good to be true? It works, though!

Smart network protocols

Wisely uses Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN), a protocol for Low Power Networks (LPWAN). LoRaWAN achieves its high efficiency in energy and data transmission by frequency spreading and adaptation of data transfer rates. The frequency spread transmits signals with constant frequency variation in the band between 863 and 870 MHz. In this way it minimizes interference in the same frequency range. The adaptive data rate (ADR) adjusts the data rate so that, with good reception, faster data transmission is possible with even less energy consumption. The ranges go from 2 km (urban area) to 15 km (suburbs) up to 40 km (free lines of sight). Another major advantage is the penetration of buildings, since underground placed can be covered to a certain extent, too.

Only 10% of the transmission power of a mobile phone

Operating with as little transmitting power and on as low frequencies as a garage door opener, Wisely transmits across buildings and miles beyond. But most of its time Wisely measures or is in sleep mode. It transmits for a maximum of 3 seconds every hour. This also means that the battery can last as long as 5 years, making it highly sustainable.

That’s what LoRaWAN technology can do

It sounds almost too good to be true. Modern low-power technologies make it possible to go very far with very little energy.


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