Carbon Footprint
Our new range of Carbon Footprint widgets allows you to visualize and analyze the carbon footprint of your real estate portfolios. See what kinds of fuels contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases, how your individual real estates perform in terms of greenhouse gas reduction, and how well they follow the specified reduction pathway. For more information, please read our documentation.

Improved BACnet quality check
You can now target BACnet objects with a specific object type in your BACnet quality checks. It is now also possible to check properties with multiple values, such as Status Flags, Limit Enable etc.
We added some new implicit checks to find issues that are not related to a specific value of a property. For more information, please read our documentation.
Edit Alarm Texts
The text of alarm notifications can now be customized on a per-client basis. For more information please read our documentation.
ThermoSense to BACnet
Data points of your ThermoSense devices are now automatically exposed as BACnet objects and can be used as such by your PLCs.
Bug fixes and improvements
- The group navigation sidebar can now be resized.
- The content of PDF files is now displayed directly in the browser. This applies to files in the document management and on tickets.
- If multiple BACnet devices have the same ID but different IP addresses, a warning icon will be displayed that shows all the affected devices.
- If the ID, type, name or description of a BACnet object is missing, a warning will be displayed on the BACnet view.
- Floating point values displayed on the TABS circuits are rounded to one decimal place.
- The data model of Savings Gauge widgets is now also available in view mode, not just in edit mode.
- Zooming out of schematics is now limited to their initial size.
- Wifx L1 LoRaWAN gateways are now supported.
- Support for The Things Network V2 has ended. IoT devices will now connect to The Things Stack.
- Single sign-on with external authentication is now available on Avelon Cloud. A separate license is required to use the feature.
- The default color palette was slightly tweaked to better work in both light and dark mode.